7 Benefits of Drinking Tea for Seniors
For many people (maybe including you), mornings are never complete without a coffee in their system. However, you might want to exchange your coffee for a cup of tea every day because, according to studies, the latter has numerous health benefits to your aging body! Besides the soothing feeling of its warmth, teas contain essential [...]
How to Detect Dementia in Your Senior Loved One
Dementia refers to a health condition that affects the brain wherein most of its cognitive function gets impaired, such as remembering, thinking, and reasoning. It is more commonly seen in older adults aged 65 and over, requiring them to seek memory care services to improve their health. However, this does not mean that all seniors [...]
How to Prepare for Moving into a Senior Living Community
Taking the first step is always the hardest; this quote rings true in all walks of life, including your or your loved one’s transition to a Carlsbad retirement community. The idea alone of moving to a senior home can get you feeling queasy and anxious. Not to mention the actual move itself, which involves a [...]
5 Healthy Eating Tips for Seniors
Healthy eating is the primary foundation of a healthy life no matter what age you are, but more so as you near seniorhood. As you age, your body goes through many changes that can make you vulnerable to vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Furthermore, aging also affects your digestive function, sense of thirst, and muscle health. [...]
14 Engaging Activities for Seniors in Memory Care
Regular everyday activities can become too much for seniors with Alzheimer’s or dementia. Included in memory care services are fun, no-fail activities for your senior to enjoy. The no-fail part is important because everyone, including seniors, has the need to feel successful. In the following activities, your senior will succeed at them no matter what. [...]
Healthy Lifestyle Tips for Seniors in Assisted Living
Change is an inevitable part of life; everybody experiences it in different degrees and lengths. Sometimes, changes happen to give way for a bigger opportunity or a positive outcome. However, when you are an older adult turning 65, you may not welcome change as warm as you did during your younger years. Weakened knees, slow [...]