Regardless of your age, not getting adequate rest at night can be very stressful. This is especially true if it is a consistent and ongoing issue, leading to deeper health concerns. For seniors who are struggling with sleeplessness in retirement, it might feel difficult to know how to get back on track and combat insomnia. That is why today our team here at Bayshire Carlsbad, one of the best Carlsbad retirement communities, has compiled a quick list of helpful tips. Continue reading to discover more information about how seniors can get better rest at night!


1.) Keep a Consistent Schedule

To start off with keeping a consistent schedule, try going to bed at the same time each night. Constantly switching things up can throw a wrench in your circadian rhythm. The same goes for when you wake each morning. Having these basic, set in stone patterns can go a long way with helping to improve the quality of your sleep. 

However, it doesn’t just stop there! Find which bedtime routines work for you and stick with them. For example, does having a warm cup of herbal tea or milk help you relax? What about a soothing bath with lavender essential oil? If these things help, don’t be afraid to incorporate them into your nightly routine. 


2.) Invest in Comfortable Pillows and Bedding

Going to bed at the end of the day should be something that you look forward to. One of the best ways to do this is by investing in good quality pillows, blankets, and other bedding. This will help you to relax and feel more comfortable at night. After all, if you have a scratchy blanket or lumpy pillow, you’re probably going to wind up tossing and turning. For those that have body aches, consider purchasing an orthopedic pillow, such as one that goes between your knees or underneath your back. If you aren’t sure where to start, ask your doctor for suggestions. 


3.) Forego the Afternoon Nap

Sure, retirement is all about rest and relaxation, but if you are struggling with insomnia, it is best to appropriately time your naps. Napping too late in the day can throw off your sleep cycle and leave you feeling restless come bedtime. If you are someone who needs a nap to get through the day, choose to take one either before or right after lunchtime. Try to limit your naps as well, sleeping for anywhere between 30 minutes to an hour. Resting too much longer than that can put you at risk for a sleepless night.


4.) Improve Your Sleeping Environment 

Don’t hesitate to find the sleeping environment that’s best for you. If you are a resident at one of the Carlsbad retirement communities, take the time to really adjust your living space how you like. Elements such as noise and light levels can really play a role in how well you rest. Take the time to ask yourself a few questions. For example, is it too hot when you go to sleep at night? Too cold? Could you benefit from using a white noise sound machine? Whatever you need, just be sure to curate your space into one that promotes restful and restorative sleep!

A senior woman sleeping at night while using a humidifier and a sound machine


5.) Put Down the Electronics

Did you know that spending too much time in front of screens can impact your sleep habits? This is because screens, such as those on smartphones, tablets, and TVs all emit blue light. Blue light is the enemy of your circadian rhythm. Not only that, but oftentimes, electronics hold stimulating content, such as movies, shows, and games. If your brain is too stimulated close to bedtime, you are going to face difficulties unwinding and falling asleep. Try to shut off these electronics no later than thirty minutes prior to bedtime and see if that helps you at all.


6.) Try Aromatherapy 

If you haven’t yet tried aromatherapy, now is your chance! A number of essential oils, including lavender, are excellent, all natural sources that can be used to promote sleep. There are many options when it comes to using essential oils, too. One way is by running oil through a diffuser in your room or common area. Another option is to use a lotion made with essential oils or to put a few drops of lavender oil in your bathwater. Some manufacturers even make pillow and linen sprays that can be used to spritz your bedding and promote better sleep. It might take a little trial and error, but give it a try and see if it works for you!


7.) Monitor Your Stress and Anxiety

All too often, one of the major culprits behind sleep issues are actually stress and anxiety. If you find yourself tossing and turning at night because you are stressed out or feeling anxious, it’s time to get to the root of the cause. There are a few ways that you can help cope with these types of negative feelings, including the following methods:


Not only is journaling a relaxing activity that can help you to unwind before bed, but it can also be a place to vent out any thoughts or feelings that are bothering you. Use this tool daily or weekly to help soothe your mind and relax.

Talk It Out

If journaling isn’t your cup of tea, try talking to a friend or loved one instead. A listening ear and a new perspective can go a long way with soothing anxiety and stress. Or, if you are more comfortable talking to a professional, try booking an appointment with a therapist or counselor. 

Exercise During the Day

Sometimes the best cure for an overactive mind is to physically work it out. During the day, try hitting up the gym, going for a walk, or participating in one of the many great activities available at Carlsbad retirement communities.


Contact Bayshire Carlsbad

These are your golden years and you should spend them feeling your very best! Don’t miss out on the precious sleep and rest you need in order to maintain your health and well being. Instead, join one of the best Carlsbad retirement communities – Bayshire Carlsbad! Contact us today to take a tour, find out more about our wellness programs, and come and see for yourself why our senior living community is a good fit for you.